terms of use & privacy policy

All the rights of the industrial and intellectual property of the website www.internationalfalconrystore.com and of its contents (text, images, audio, video, design, creativity, software, etc) belong to International Falconry or, at any case, to third parties.

The user can visualize all the elements, they can also print, copy and store them in their computer’s hard disk or in any other device as long as they use them uniquely and exclusively for a personal and private use. The use of this content with commercial finalities is, consequently, totally forbidden as well as its distribution, modification, alteration or decompiling.

The user undertakes to use all the contents and services offered by International Falconry in its website appropriately and not to commit illegal activities or contraries to the act of good faith or to the current legal ordinance. The user promises not to spread contents or advertisements related to racism, xenophobia, pornography, terrorism or anything that could attempt against human rights, as well as not to damage the physical and logical systems of International Falconry, of its suppliers or third parties. The user also undertakes not to disseminate cyber viruses on the net or any other logical or physical systems sensitive to cause the previously listed damages.

International Falconry reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify as opportunely considered its site, changing, deleting or adding both contents and given services or their localization in the website.

International Falconry will chase the non-fulfillment of the previous conditions as well as the inappropriate use of its website contents, and will exercise all its rightful civil and penal actions.


Personal data protection

Regarding the services at the user’s disposal through the previous registration, all the data are stored demonstrating strict privacy in accordance with the current legislation. International Falconry Store obeys the policy in relation to personal data protection of its users and keep them all in strict confidentiality.

At any moment, the registered user of International Falconry website can exercise their right to access to, modify, cancel and revoke their consent for the assignment of their data under the terms of the previously referred Law and other rules that are involved with it by means of a writing an email to info@internationalfalconrystore.com